Mixed Media
Glimpses of the World Series
We live in an amazingly diverse and beautiful world. Thousands of unique cultures and people groups leave their mark on the world with their language, dress, location, culture, patterns of living, literature, worldview and more.
This series is a celebration of that. Each piece highlights one of the thousands of cultures in our world, and is intended to expand your worldview and to invite you to celebrate the beauty, diversity and uniqueness that is found wherever you go.
The focus of each piece is not intended to be the person(s) there, but rather the broader depiction of the world in which they are found. Somewhere in each piece there is a bit of language, using the local script and language, a testament to the huge role that language plays in setting each culture apart from all of the others.
Each piece was created on masonite board, and involves interplay between acrylic paint, ink, colored pencils, & graphite pencil. Two pieces are currently under development and will be completed soon.